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Epidural injections are a non-surgical treatment option that provides quick relief for those experiencing back pain or sciatica. These injections can be highly effective when provided by an experienced spine doctor. These injections can be done using steroids or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to reduce swelling and inflammation of the discs and nerves. PRP goes a step further by utilizing your body’s natural response system to promote healing. Here is some more information about who is a good candidate for epidural injections:

Chronic Pain Conditions

If you experience back pain that lasts longer than three months or more, you, by definition, have a chronic pain condition. Sciatica, herniated discs, or arthritis can cause this type of pain anywhere along the spinal column. These conditions are diagnosable with imaging tests like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which provides doctors with a three-dimensional model of your spine.

There are also different types of pain, from pinched nerves to joint pain. Nerve pain symptoms include burning sensations, sharp pain, or numbness. Joint pain primarily affects areas of motion where two or more bones meet, like the spinal column. Epidural injections work by targeting these specific areas directly, delivering the steroids or the PRP to reduce pain and swelling.

Non-surgical Solution

Doctor Alicia Carter is a highly experienced spine doctor who specializes in non-surgical treatment options to provide long-term pain relief and recovery plans for a variety of conditions. Some conditions are genetic, like scoliosis, while others are caused by injuries from repetitive athletic performance or trauma. These injuries can often be treated with non-surgical solutions.

Injections offer a quicker recovery time than surgery, allowing you to return to your daily life after a 24-hour rest period. You should still avoid heavy lifting and high-intensity workouts for the first week to give your body enough time to recover. A follow-up appointment will track your progress and the efficiency of the treatment.

Failed Back Surgery

Recovering from back surgery can take several months, depending on the specific procedure, but some patients find little to no relief. Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) is a condition where your back pain does not resolve after surgery or becomes worse. Common treatments for this condition include physical therapy, injection treatments, and lifestyle changes. Injections provide fast relief for those experiencing pain from a failed back surgery by providing medicinal help to the specific area.

Convenient Booster Treatments

If you experience a flare-up of your condition that does not improve within a week, repeat injections are available to treat your symptoms quickly. A small number of. individuals may require a secondary injection two weeks after their first treatment or after a few months. This depends on the root cause of their condition and how severe it is, such as having multiple herniated discs or a spinal fusion.

Contact a Spine Doctor Today

At Regenerative Medicine and Orthopedics (DBA), Dr. Carter provides comprehensive spine care and non-surgical solutions for those experiencing back pain or sciatica. Pre-existing conditions like sciatica and herniated discs can be treated with injections to reduce flare-ups and promote healing. Other treatment options include trigger point injections and facet or sacroiliac joint injections. Contact us today to schedule your initial comprehensive consultation.

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