Dr. Alicia Carter is committed to using nonsurgical treatments, such as regenerative medicine and orthopedics, to treat disorders such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell treatments. In addition to PRP and stem cell therapies, Dr. Alicia Carter also offers Lumbar Radiculopathy. Dr. Alicia Carter’s office is located in Miami following two decades of distinguished practice in New York City.

Lumbar Radiculopathy: What is it?

Sciatic Nerve Inflamed by the pressure or irritation of one or more of the nerves in the lumbar spine, lumbar radiculopathy, also known as sciatica, is the term used to describe the pain. The lower back is where these nerves originate, descending the buttocks, down the leg, and into the feet. They are crucial because they communicate with your muscles and connect your nervous system to the skin and muscles of your calves, thighs, and foot.

The spinal cord contains five lumbar nerve roots. The discomfort that results from compression or irritation at or near these roots frequently radiates down the legs. A distribution specific to the afflicted nerves may experience pain, weakness, numbness, or difficulties regulating particular muscles.
Luckily, most instances of lumbar radiculopathy can be treated non-operatively with a mix of physical therapy, rest, and, occasionally, medication. Alternative treatments have a reputation for offering comfort. Make an appointment with Dr. Alicia Carter if you are experiencing this condition.


Other typical symptoms include the following in addition to the previously mentioned lower back pain:
• Pain, from dull discomfort to an acute, agonizing pain
• Electric shock-like discomfort
• Coughing, sneezing, or sitting up causes pain that gets worse
• Feelings of burning, numbness, tingling, or pins and needles
• Muscle tremor
• Losing control of one’s bowels or bladder

What factors cause this condition?

Back injuries or different lifestyle choices might lead to lumbar radiculopathy. A few of these are:
• A spinal injury such as a falling or accident
• Faulty biomechanics like lifting and carrying things wrongly
• Extended sitting
• Unhealthy habits such as smoking, being sedentary, eating poorly, and abusing alcohol

In addition, lumbar radiculopathy may also be caused by several disorders unrelated to overuse, harm, or lifestyle choices. These consist of the following:
• Bone Spur
• Pregnancy
• Diabetes
• Vertebral stenosis
• Herniated Disc
• Degeneration of the spine and typical aging, such as disc degeneration

These circumstances may irritate or compress the lumbar or sacral nerve roots, resulting in any of the symptoms of pain mentioned above symptoms.

What choices do you have for therapies?

Only a qualified medical professional should make the diagnosis of lumbar radiculopathy. Most of the time, a thorough physical examination and your medical history will be enough for the doctor to make a diagnosis. They will probably want to know when your symptoms started, how severe they were, what therapies you’ve tried in the past, and what the outcomes were.
The physician will check the patient for pain, balance issues, and mobility restrictions during the medical assessment. Additionally, they might assess symptoms of brain damage, muscle weakness, loss of sensation, and reflexes in the extremities.

To rule out more serious disorders, such as a tumor, lower back herniated disc, or other issues, an x-ray may be required.
Without medication, lumbar radiculopathy can resolve, and surgery is infrequently required. If a course of treatment is suggested, it typically entails therapy and medicine.

Seven nonsurgical remedies are listed below that could assist without the requirement for an operating theatre:

  • Physical therapy. The main objective of conservative back pain medications is exercise under the direction of a physical therapist. A personalized exercise program created for your back discomfort can assist in strengthening the muscles that support your spine and enhancing movement mechanics.
  • Drug treatment. Your treatment approach may include over-the-counter and prescription medications, such as analgesics, anti-inflammatories, and muscle relaxants. Drug therapy is frequently used temporarily to ease the pain while other treatments work because many pharmacologic options have negative side effects.
  • Therapies using injections. When the site of nerve compression is recognized, procedures including corticosteroid injections, nerve blocks, nerve ablations, and others may successfully relieve pain. They may also be helpful when trying to diagnose the cause of the pain.
  • Alterations in exercises. Exercise and task analysis may help to reduce the effects of lumbar radiculopathy. Finding alternatives begins with determining which activities or tasks make your pain worse. For instance, moving groceries in a cart may take care of a source of annoyance.
  • Meal adjustments. Consuming processed foods heavy in trans fats and refined sugars can cause inflammation throughout the body, including the area around the spinal nerve roots. Losing excess weight also relieves pressure on the spinal column.
  • Substitute medical care. Alternative therapies like acupuncture and chiropractic care, while they might not be effective for everyone, could be an important component of a strategy for reducing the effects of lumbar radiculopathy. Other options that some find helpful include biofeedback and electrical neural stimulation.
  • Meditation. Chronic pain causes physical and emotional stress, frequently leading to moodiness, rage, and melancholy. Yoga, tai chi, and regulated breathing exercises are examples of meditative therapies that could offer the tools you need to manage your back pain.

You will notice what sets Dr. Carter’s practice apart from the competition as soon as you meet her. Patients are typically seen five minutes after their appointment, with very few exceptions. Initial consultations last an hour, and subsequent sessions last for 30 minutes. Dr. Carter shows concern for her patients by getting to know them as patients and people.

Your lumbar radiculopathy discomfort may occasionally need to be addressed from various angles. The finest treatment solutions need to sustainably fit your lifestyle because what works for one person may have little impact on another. To arrange a private consultation, contact Dr. Alicia Carter by phone or online.

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