For a lot of people, hair is an integral part of their identity. Losing hair for whatever reason can be stressful and can lower self-esteem and self-confidence. People may lose hair because of stress, as a side effect of chemotherapy, aging, or for genetic reasons that are impossible to foresee. Whatever the reason, people with hair loss struggle with, not only the loss of their hair but also a large part of their identities. Something that has been with them throughout their lives and helped shape their outward appearance and their self-confidence becomes lost, seemingly for good. People with hair loss tend to feel embarrassed, wanting to hide the areas of hair loss out of fear that the people around them are staring or judging their appearance. For some, the areas with hair loss become too large to hide, leading to further frustration and embarrassment.
At Miami Regenerative Medicine and Orthopedics, Dr. Alicia Carter offers two treatments for those looking for a solution to their hair loss. First is a platelet-rich plasma injection, or PRP injection. This technique was actually discovered in the early 1910s, but has come into vogue as of the early 2000s. These injections include platelets, which are blood cell fragments that are typically used to create clots in an injury. These platelets release a multitude of growth factors, which can stimulate surrounding cells to proliferate. No chemicals or additives are used in this process, as the platelets are taken from the patient’s own blood and concentrated for the injection. Because the platelets are from the patient themselves, there is no need to worry about possible rejection-site reactions. Studies have shown that this process, when injected into the skin or scalp, can stimulate the hair follicle to begin growing hair. This means that the hair growing as a result of these injections is the patient’s natural hair. The hair grown looks and feels like the original hair that was lost, but is now thicker and stronger. The process takes 60-90 minutes, is done in the office, and no surgery is involved. Because of how long the treatment has been used for, it can be assured through scientific studies that the process is safe and beneficial for those who want a solution to their hair loss. Dr. Carter is there for the entire duration of the process, assuring the patient’s safety and making sure that the process is done as efficiently as possible.
For those who are wary about injections, Dr. Carter also offers a topical hair serum that supports hair growth. This serum is made from plant stem cells and other plant extracts, like rosemary, banana, acai, turmeric, green tea, sage and peppermint. The serum stimulates growth at the hair root. Use of the serum requires daily application, and results are seen within 3-6 months of starting and consistently using the serum; some have even noted results within a week of using the serum. The recommended application routine is every night after washing and towel drying hair. For those with moderately thin hair, application every morning and evening is recommended. Once applied, the serum is massaged gently into the areas where hair growth is desired. Even if there is hair growth after consistent use, it is still recommended to apply the serum as instructed in order to continue promoting hair growth. This serum is not only recommended for the scalp, but also for eyelashes and eyebrows as well. Those using it for fuller lashes and eyebrows should apply the serum with clean hands in order to prevent possible eye infections. Caution is advised for those who are allergic to any of the ingredients used in the serum, which may include application site redness and itchiness. If there are any side effects to this serum, it is advised to stop using the product, as this could lead to inflammation and further damage to the hair follicles in the application area.
Both solutions lead to stronger, thicker hair growth that leaves patients feeling more satisfied with their outward appearance. Some patients have noticed less hair fall after using these solutions. For those who would like to know more, Dr. Carter offers both telehealth and in-person preliminary visits to discuss treatment options.