Integrative Approaches for Spine and Sports Injuries

Integrative Approaches for Spine and Sports Injuries Regenerative Medicine & Orthopedics Miami

The approach that combines conventional and alternative therapies, such as integrative medicine, Regenerative Medicine, and Orthopedics, is increasingly considered one of the most beneficial methods for treating spine and sports injuries at Dr. Alicia Carter Miami. The approach not only treats the immediate injury but also deals with the overall well-being of the individual, offering a […]

What You Need to Know About Degenerative Disc Disease

A doctor sitting at a desk, touching a model of disks, for a blog post about degenerative disk disease from the Spine and Sports Doctor's website.

Degenerative disc disease occurs when changes to the spinal discs that are part of the normal aging process cause pain. The condition typically affects patients who are otherwise in good health, and it can develop as early as the 30s or 40s. While this ailment is considered to be a chronic disease, treatment can help […]

The Ultimate Guide to Spinal Injections

A blog post about spinal injections, on a regenerative medicine and orthopedics specialist's website.

A doctor recommends a spinal injection when you are dealing with severe back or neck problems that are not responding to conservative measures. Doctors use spinal injections in a couple of ways. The first is diagnostic, where they diagnose the source of leg, arm, back, or neck pain. In the second method, doctors use spinal […]

Breaking Down the Causes of Lower Back Pain

A woman, reaching for her neck, eyes closed, about a blog post on lower back pain

Regenerative medicine expert, Dr. Alicia Carter Miami is a highly qualified and experienced orthopedic doctor. She is the founder and medical director of the cutting-edge medical facility Regenerative Medicine and Orthopedics, which offers advanced and creative pain management and injury rehabilitation options. Dr. Carter Miami is committed to helping her patients live healthier, more active […]

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